Monday, April 9, 2018

Travels in Maui are never boring.

My buddy Aaron arrived in Maui this week from Minnessota.  Cold weather and no beach there, not like Maui.
Like me, Aaron did not research the island one bit.  I simply told him to come down, so like any young adventurous friend, he quickly jumped on a plane and left -10 degree weather for a tropical paradise for a week.

The week was filled with the excitement of rainbows, waterfalls, friends, volcanoes, snorkeling, epic views, drinks, and car break-ins.  Needless to say, we had fun.

So it started out great, Aaron ventured on his own while I continued demolition of an old soda bottling plant in Wailuku. Swinging a sledge hammer had never been so much fun. At the end of the day, I would come home covered in dirt and grime while my buddy would let me know how awesome his day was.